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Section: New Results

Delay effect in chemical reactions

Belousov-Zhabotinskii (BZ) reaction, which is a very complicated reaction, has been widely studied in bio-science and chemistry, since its dynamic behaviour is similar to real biological oscillators [89] . For certain type of chemical reactions, the use of the law of mass-action kinetics may lead to some simple models expressed by ordinary differential equations. The main feature of BZ reaction, oscillatory behaviour, has been represented by a simple mechanism and the model of this mechanism can be described by ordinary differential equations. However, delayed mass-actions kinetics lead to more accurate models by conserving the simplicity and a relative reduced number of parameters. In [83] , [95] , [96] , [82] , some delay-differential models are proposed for Belousov-Zhabotinskii (BZ) reaction with a fewer of concentrations compared to the models obtained by ordinary differential equations. However, in most of these works, the delay, which occurs due to the required time to provide sufficient energy, has not been taken into account. Recently, we consider a more realistic Belousov-Zhabotinskii model, which includes two independent delays. The novelty of the proposed model with respect to the existing ones in the literature can be summarized as follows; one of these delays is introduced to reproduce qualitatively the behavior of the model proposed by [84] with a less number of concentrations as in [95] . Second, the remaining delay appears naturally since the reactants do not react suddenly in the chemical reactions, i.e. the delay stems from the needed time for the occurence of reaction, called “delayed concentration”.